My journey!

As I journey through time, here I present a small peak into what I think and experience!

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Exam time

My mid-term exams are starting from Aug 1st and I still have loads to study!
God knows if I will be able to finish the portion for the exams or not.
Anyways, since I believe in long-term vision, I have decided to concentrate on my end terms and not be bogged down by the mid-terms. And as is my trait, I always do things at the end.
Planning to change this habit. Shall study daily after my mid-terms. Well, this is a plan!
Hope He helps me to clear past the obstacle of my mid-terms!


  • At 9:57 AM, July 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Some people never change no matter how much ever they
    think they should,
    they think they could
    then think they would,
    Would becomes Might,
    then its a fight,
    and since might is right,
    they think they are right
    but they are actually left.
    left in the lurch,
    nearby the church,
    life becomes a search

    Doesnt make sense??? Sounds
    poetic though!! Aint it??

    Damn !! Who cares anyway!!
    Its a Blog..

  • At 1:54 PM, July 30, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Rajesh, we loved your blog!! It's tremendous. Very interesting and captivating. Nice work!! It's fun to read your experiences, especially since you tell the "stories" really well. Santosh and Monica are standing next to me in Nitin's house, and we all loved your site.


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